5 Getting Started Tips for Selling on eBay

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eBay Parent Panel taken by Airfoil PR

I made over $1200 selling on eBay last year. I sold items that were cluttering up my closets, garage, and shelves, taking up space and collecting dust. I often hear from friends and family that they do not have anything to sell on eBay, they donate it locally because it’s easier, nothing they have is worth anything anyhow or they’ll just save it for a garage sale. I get it. I used to think the same way. Even though I’ve been successful on eBay, I still think this way sometimes.

Not Anymore

After spending two days with eBay professionals and successful eBay sellers in San Jose, California I have been reborn. Which sounds a bit drastic, I know. Except when you sit next to “TRISTEN O’BRIEN – THE EBAY ENTREPRENEUR” who quit his job with Verizon to sell full-time on eBay for a living! When you learn from eBay staff members having selling cars and having $60,000 in their PayPal account from their success. Real people that have learned that everyday items they aren’t using can be sold for extra cash. I feel fortunate to have had this opportunity, again to visit the San Jose campus and share with you what I’ve learned.


My kitchen table full of items to sell on eBay!

Having an eBay business might not be in my future or yours but I’m certainly more aware of how easily someone can make a supplemental income or earn vacation money selling on eBay.  In fact, I came home and lost my kitchen table to all of the items I’ll be selling on eBay this week! I’m inspired after hearing the stories, learning tips, tricks and inside information that will soon be revealed to the public. I have 5 golden nuggets I’d like to share after being emerged in all things eBay last week.  Nuggets of information that will hopefully ignite you to begin selling on eBay!

5 Golden eBay Nuggets:

Selling Inspiration House. A virtual home that allows you to go room-to-room learning the value of everyday household items that you could list on eBay. I found this to be eye opening in just a few simple clicks.

eBay Classes and eBay Traders. If you want to sell on eBay but you’re not sure how might be a class or instructor in your area ready to teach everything you need to know. Educated and trained by eBay to show you how to sell, ship and make money or raise money for a cause. And if you’re completely uninterested in selling because really you just like to buy I get it. I totally get it! But if you have some priceless china, collectable dolls or things you know are worth good money you might consider talking to an eBay Trader. They’ll do the work, make a commission and you’ll still be able to sell your priceless goodies!

Seller your item check-list. I wish I would have known about this from the very beginning. A simple PDF check-list for you to print and keep handy. It walks you through exactly how to list your item, the differences in pricing options. Perfect for a beginner!

eBay Instant Sale.  A simple tool that lets you get cash for those outdated electronics that you have laying around the house or the ones that you’d love to trade in for an upgrade! You just list the condition of your device, print off a shipping label, mail it and you’re paid through PayPal once the device is received and assessed. Talk about green!  Not all items are worth anything for resale but eBay will still send you a free shipping label and then responsibly recycle it for you. I want to hug eBay for this.

Set a Goal.  Keep it simple at first. A goal to sell one item and not lose money on shipping. Sell an item and make a profit of $5. Keep raising the bar as you get better at selling. Have a goal to clean out the garage, list the items and raise money for a local charity. Why clean the garage, slave all day pricing and organizing the items for a garage sale and spend an entire day waiting for someone to pull into and haggle to buy something for half of what it’s really worth? Make a goal to sell enough to buy that new laptop, boat, pay off a loan, decorate a room, etc. You’ll be shocked at just how quickly your goals with come to fruition.

Disclaimer: I am an eBay parent panel member my time and trip was compensated to the eBay campus. I was not told what to write or share. These are my own take away points and tips based on my own experiences.

2 thoughts on “5 Getting Started Tips for Selling on eBay”

  1. I love selling on eBay. It’s always my first thought when looking at something that we need to get rid of. I was actually a trading assistant for a while and even taught an adult ed class on eBay selling. My kids guard their stuff from me for fear I might say “I wonder what I can get for that on eBay. 😉

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