Girl Scout Activity Ideas for Spring and Summer

Girl Scout Activity Ideas for Spring and Summer

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Mother’s Day is just around the corner and I’ve been doing some research on activities I can do with my Daisy and Brownie troop this week. Our focus for an upcoming meeting will be Mother’s Day and the girls will be making gifts and sharing what they love about their mom. I’ve found so many adorable ideas on Pinterest that I even created a Girl Scout board. It’s hard to choose just one thing but of course I’m looking for something easy and we have a time limit and budget!

I wanted to share with you, a few of my favorite spring and summer Girl Scout activities. If you’re anything like me, you’re usually short on time when it comes to planning for troop meetings, so I hope this helps you!

Girl Scout Activity Ideas for Spring and Summer

  1. Mini Cereal Box Seed Starters from Whimsy Love
  2. Plastic Bottle Planter from Good Home Design
  3. Orange Bird Feeders from Sheri Silver
  4. Kool Aid Lip Gloss from I Save A to Z
  5. Nature Scavenger Hunt from The Taylor House
  6. Sand Volcano from Growing a Jeweled Rose
  7. Paper Bag Journals from Burlap and Denim
  8. Geocaching with Kids from The Clever Pink Pirate
  9. 5 Fast Friendship Bracelets from Live, Craft, Love
  10. Coffee Can Ice Cream from Coffee Cups and Crayons
  11. Gratitude Rocks from Jedi Craft Girl
  12. I Am Boards from Brave Girls Club
  13. Kid’s Guide to Service Projects from Info Barrel
  14. Geocaching Kit from It’s a Yummy Life
  15. Water Pollution Experiment from Along the Way
  16. Butterfly Feeders from The Crafty Crow
  17. Random Acts of Kindness Mission from The Polka Dotted Teacher
  18. Puffy Paint Friendship Bracelets from Club Chica Circle
  19. Bottle Cap Necklaces from Super Coupon Lady

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