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Choosing eco friendly baby shower gifts does not have to be complicated. I have some favorite stand-by gifts that I love to shower my friends and family with when new baby arrives. No, we are not just talking about Pampers and Baby Bottles either.
Here are my top 5 eco friendly baby shower gift ideas for babies and mom that will surely be a hit and make you feel good about the gift giving:
1. Swaddle Organic Cotton Blanket
Nothing is more comfy for a newborn than a cotton swaddle blanket. But knowing what it is made from and where it came from are things I really want to know when shopping for something eco-friendly. That is why I always recommend an Organic cotton blanket where possible, and certified is ever better. Check out these blankets on Amazon and see what you think.
2. Earth Mama Angel Baby
Nipple Butter, Booby Tubes and Milkmaid Tea. I love the look on a new breast feeding moms face when I hand her the soothing nipple butter that is plant-based and lanolin free. It is hospital recommended, has no toxins mom feels comfortable using it all while helping to soothe her sore breastfeeding nipples and she adjusts. The Booby Tubes will be a life saver to any new mom to help ease any discomfort and best of all they are gel-free and can be used warm or cold.
Mommy can rest assure they are eco-friendly, safe and made of 100% organic cotton and filled with Flax seed so there is no risk of the booby tubes becoming too cold and doing damage to her sensitive nipples. The Milkmaid tea is perfect for mom needing to have something warm and soothing while helping milk production safely.
3. Plum™ Organics Samples.
I love to give any new mom a sample of eco friendly baby shower gifts that she can try before baby comes or when baby arrives that are an alternative to traditional grocery store items. Plum™ Organics offers a variety of yummy, convenient and healthy food for baby and toddler. This seems like a strange baby shower gift but parents need to know of options and things they can buy when baby is ready for their first food.
This gives mom a chance to try the product herself, find out where to purchase the product and even let her friends’ children sample so she knows they’re a hit! A favorite of mine is the Plum™ Organics baby food with the Boon Dispensing spoon. For moms who will be on the go this is super handy! The food is certified organic, great tasting (I’ve tried the pear and mango) and the spoon and pouches are BPA free, phthalate and PVC free!
4. Non-Toxic Baby Proofing Gear
I like mom to be prepared for that crawling and walking baby so loading them up with some Rhoost baby safety items certainly makes life easier when the time comes for those first steps! Everything from hinge and door jam protection to corner rubber protectors, this company knows how to protect your child. And they make great eco-friendly baby shower gifts, or just about any kind of gift for that matter!
5. Sleepy Time Bath
I love the ecoStore USA sleepy time bath and sometimes even use it for myself taking a capful in the shower with me. It is such a pleasant scent that is calming and just what a tired baby needs at the end of a long and playful day! From personal experience I can tell you my children sleep very well after using this lavender and geranium aromatherapy blend at bath time (just a tiny amount is needed).
Bonus Product – Think Baby Stainless Steel Feeding Set
What a perfect set for my little girl. Stainless steel, BPA, PVC & Phthalate Free and dishwasher safe for the top rack – a dream come true. I knew that the product was good after seeing that The Soft Landing was carrying it but then I saw that it was recommended from Healthy Child Healthy World – need I say more? After seeing my daughter use the products, me giving them the ringer through the dishwasher and loving how easy the lids work and stay on the products – I can give the Think Baby Stainless Steel feeding set two green thumbs up!
Wow! Seriously, I recommend getting this set for your children and not worrying about chemicals leaking into their food. You cannot use them in the microwave but that is no big deal.
If it’s time to replace your children’s dishware, you need dishware or you’re looking for the perfect non-toxic gift for someone giving the Think Baby Stainless Steel feeding set is a sure way to go.. Shop The Soft Landing and visit Alicia’s new blog Seriously Spoiled where she brings more of a personal side to her family run business.
what about cloth diapers as a baby shower gift?
Alicia, great suggestion. I actually do not gift cloth diapers unless I know they will be using them ahead of time. I have found they do not get used if the mother is not intending on using them to begin with. That is just my experience.
Some other great baby shower gifts for the green mama to be include Mambino Organics belly butter to get rid of post baby stretch marks. Our website, suggests some great baby shower ideas as well!
And of course organic baby clothes; I own Sama Baby Organics, and I really wanted to make sure to create a green and organic product start to finish. People really love our products as gifts on our site, and the softness – which makes all the difference when it comes to a baby's skin. Why not put organic on a baby's skin? It's the biggest organ of their body!
Organic baby clothes always make an adorable and eco friendly gift. I owning Sama Baby Organics, and I really wanted to make sure to create a green and organic product start to finish. People really love our products as gifts on our site, and the softness – which makes all the difference when it comes to a baby's skin. Why not put organic on a baby's skin? It's the biggest organ of their body!
And we can't forget our green mamas to be!! Mambino Organics has organic belly butter for the inevitable post baby stretchmarks!
Cute ideas!
I just found your site and I LOVE it!!! Thank you for all of the great tips.
I've seen diapers that's part reusable and part disposable. I gave them as a gift about 5 years ago but I don't remember what it's called. Do you think it's a good idea as a green gift? Also, do you know what they're called? It's about half the thickness of a diaper so it's thicker than cloth. You can wash them a lot of times before you have to throw them away. I'm not even sure if they still make them.
Your site is too good and i just loved the information you have shared
your site contains very effective information….you give great tips in your blog and site..
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