I Use Toxic Bath Products on My Kids! Do You?

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Toxic Bath Time Video

April Fools Day! Welcome to an emergency Green Moms Carnival where some very concerned and wonderful moms, women, and bloggers want to educate, inform and empower others to learn about some potentially hazardous ingredients in our babies’ bath soaps and lotions. Women with different backgrounds and educational levels on the chemical compounds, laws, and details but sharing a common thread of being passionate and dedicated to spreading an educated and insightful message that we hope you take very seriously (this means the companies too). This is not something we are taking lightly or throwing out there without research and strategic efforts to reach as many viewing eyes as possible so please don’t think us foolish.

First, let me begin by telling you that I am not better than anyone, I used Johnson and Johnson products on my son (he’s four now) but I did not know any better. My mom used it and I received bucket loads of it for my baby shower. Who would think that the FDA does not approve the ingredients and concoctions of chemicals put into bottles before they are put on the shelf, marketed to us, and bought? The FDA has prohibited 9 ingredients and regulates color additives but the European Union prohibits 1,100. This just shows you how out of date we are in the U.S.

With babies having skin that’s 30% thinner and most parents use more than one personal care product on their child (soap, lotion, diaper cream, etc.). Add all of this exposure up over time and what we have is a toxic brew. We have a lot of unknown risks to our children. This is why when the Campaign for Safe Cosmetics report disclosed their findings of known carcinogens in baby bath products and I  discovered that Johnson and Johnson announced their Big Bubblin’ Star YouTube Campaign promoting their products it became very real how misinformed parents are and how urgent it is for the Kid-Safe Chemical Act to pass. Note: I say misinformed not at an insult or to the fault of any mother or parent. What Do These Women Bloggers Have To Say?

jennifer_taggart_headshot2Jennifer our Smart Mama who knows the compounds, the details, and the law she is angry. She is mad that Angie Harmon is behind a campaign but totes being an organic loving mama but then supports Johnson and Johnson and their Bubble Bath Campaign. Jennifer gives you the details on the ingredients, the background of the report, and the fact the FDA does not protect us from the chemical concoctions put onto the shelf for us to buy.

lynnforshortyawardLynn of Organicmania.com points out toxins in our baby care products really are NO JOKE! This is serious stuff and it needs to be taken seriously. Lynn spoke to Johnson and Johnson and as she mentioned, this is not just their problem alone but standing behind the  FDA and their limits don’t give much of a shield. It is an excuse. Lynn does a great job at pointing out that from a marketing standpoint those using safer ingredients and trying to stand on the right side of the line cannot spend what Johnson and Johnson do on marketing. I love how she wants to know what Johnson and Johnson has to say about the Kid-Safe Chemical act. I certainly hope they leave a comment here!

Fake Plastic FishBeth of Fake Plastic Fish pulls a prank and joins me in celebration of the day! Beth isn’t joking about the important issues involved here. She really hits the nail on the head discussing the J&J marketing technique using word of mouth marketing and other moms!

greenphoneboothbuttonJess from The Green Phone Booth admits to not knowing everything about the ingredients but she knows that she trusts the EWG and all the hard non-profit work they do to protect us and that the Kid-Safe Chemical Act is needed to protect our children from bathing in toxic chemicals. Her honest plea to Johnson and Johnson and the list of wants she wants from Johnson and Johnson and all companies so she can trust them is compelling. Jess goes onto writing a second post passionately about this issue declaring transparency in our baby care products!

1315If you missed it, MaryAnne writes at EcoChild’s Play a post about the flaws in the Johnson and Johnson Campaign and her plea for them to end the campaign after the EWG Toxic Tub report. Hmmm, do you think they’ll go through with it?


Perhaps not and that’s okay but I’m hopeful it could happen. I am hopeful that it will happen to see that it is generating such a buzz and a company creating such a social media buzz should know that it isn’t cool to promote baby care products that have known carcinogens in them. I’m also hopeful when I read Jennifer of The Green Parent write about all the ways that Johnson and Johnson could win back her trust. How they tout being earth-friendly and have some outstanding mission statements on their site but isn’t it all greenwashing?

sm150x120Good friend, Katherine from the Safe Mama brings up a good point that the EWG report doesn’t even mention the other harmful ingredients such as phthalates, triethanolamine, and parabens and I love how she says that if you knew what was in the products that are on the shelf you wouldn’t wash your car let alone your baby with them!


As Anna from Green Talk puts it, the J&J Bubble Bath campaign is just another “log on the fire” as to why we need the Kid-Safe Chemical Act. Anna spells out the FDA comments on personal care ingredients and just how blatant it is that the FDA isn’t protecting us like some might think because there is no premarket approval companies have to seek.

the soft landingAlicia from The Soft Landing spells out exactly what you can do to take action and not just sit back and let big companies pull the wool over our eyes! Supporting the Kid-Safe Chemical Act and helping all of us to tell J&J that this campaign should stop until they make safer products for our children and that if they really want to lead the way then they should get behind the Kid-Safe Chemical Act!

I lovkaren_editcropped1e how Karen from Best of Mother Earth voices a sincere frustration for being tired of needing a chemistry degree to understand labels and she lists some ingredients for moms and people in general to avoid. Karen is such a passionate writer and believer in all things good for our health and the environment. She so wonderfully points out how we have to look for alternatives.

mindful mommaMicaela from Mindfull Momma reminds us all how difficult it is to tell what a natural ingredient is and what is not and therefore we need to have trust because we aren’t all chemists. Micaela also outlines the steps for how to take action and writing your congressman is another way to support this cause!

non-toxic kidsKaty from Non-Toxic Kids spells it out like it is, we are angry, well researched, and will be heard so companies listen up and moms get on board and start demanding transparency and support the Kids Safe Chemical Act! Katy draws attention to how China pulled all the products off their shelves but did the  U.S. react?

Big Green PurseDiane from Big Green Purse and one of Glamour Magazine’s 70 Eco Heros flat out says she will cease to be a Johnson and Johnson customer until they remove the compounds 1, 4 dioxane, and formaldehyde. Diane urges all of us to contact our legislators Representative Henry Waxman, Chairman of the House Energy and Commerce Committee because he is responsible for the oversight in the areas of public health, consumer protection, drug safety, and the environment. Full details are at Diane’s website Big Green Purse.

nanookAlline of Passion for Green Business writes so passionately about the dangers of beauty products and cosmetics and her own concern over what she put onto her own face let alone a child’s body. She admits to the frustrations, confusion and offers to help however possible.

christine-gardnerChristine Gardner of moregreenmoms has decided to tackle toxics in her community by organizing an Earth Day event where families are invited to drop off cosmetic and personal care products that contain hazardous chemical ingredients.  The effort is called, The Girlcott (www.thegirlcott.com), and all participants will be offered the opportunity to not only responsibly dispose of unsafe items, but learn about healthier alternatives and support the Kid-Safe Chemicals Act to encourage federal reform to an industry that is not so pretty.

nature momTiffany of Nature Moms brings to attention how it was her friends who informed her about the dangerous products and how thankful she is that they did. It’s my hope Tiffany that everyone reading this can figure out that this is what all of us are trying to do. Not judge, condemn or point fingers but be a friend altering them to something. Tiffany also goes onto to refute some of the comments she is reading on the different carnival posts here at Green and Clean Mom and how crazy the refuting of the EWG report is.

Call to Action

Don’t just accept that what your mom used with you was safe. Don’t just sit back and let companies get away with not being transparent. If we haven’t convinced you through all of our research, time and efforts then do your own investigation and reading and you will find we aren’t alarmists or moms that are just freaking out. This isn’t some emotional reaction but rather something we all feel you as mothers, parents, women, grandparents, fathers and concerned citizens would want to know about. Knowledge is power. So join us.

1. Sign the Declaration and tell your friends to sign the declaration to get the Kids Safe Chemical Act passed.

2. Write your legislator, as the Mindful Momma suggests.

3. Use safer products by using the Skin Deep Data Base and tell companies, such as Johnson and Johnson and the others listed on the report what you want as consumers.  Check out the Safe Mama and her hundreds of reviews and cheat sheets for safe baby care products and Healthy Child Healthy World for suggestions and tips. For reviews of products, I have tried viewing my green cleaning category.

4. Promote this post any way you can to get the word out there. #NoToxins a follow the Green Mom’s Carnival on Twitter!

5. Send any bottles back to the manufacture that isn’t used or half used but stop using them and demand safer ingredients and full disclosure!


46 thoughts on “I Use Toxic Bath Products on My Kids! Do You?”

  1. The gloves and masks are pointless with bare legs and no shirt. The point would have been better made with the kids full clothed and with shoes on.

  2. It was a spoof! A joke! An example of how silly it is to have toxic baby products! Feel free to make a video like you point out with the kids in clothing! I’d love to see it and support it if it were on our side of the line.

  3. Im just not a fan of using our kids for political stuff personally (spoof or not). I cringed seeing someone say to those kids about “fun toxic bubble bath”.

    I am for responsible corporate action, but I think the video rides the line of J&J getting someone for slander paired w/ this article.


    trishas last blog post..Dentyne Embracing (or running from!) Bloggers

  4. It isn’t just about J&J though Trish. It’s about the fact that it seems silly that we would even have to think that our kids are in dangerous bath products. I say nothing about J&J in my spoof and I it very clearly stated this is NOT just about J&J. Not in the least. They are just an example. My kids play with those gloves and masks all the time and had a ball in tub and guess what they totally know why the video was made. I’m sorry you feel that way but it was in good fun and in reality I don’t put my knowingly in harms way or in toxic bath products.

  5. I wonder why there has to be an our side and their side of the line? Couldn’t you find a nicer way to get your point across than attacking people who don’t see things your way?

  6. What I’d really like to see is an initiative to decrease prices on all the lovely organic products we USED to be able to afford before my husband lost his job. I believe we can save money and still be heatlhy, but when you can barely afford food, it’s really hard (or impossible) to justify the spending. I didn’t understand that fully until I was in that position myself, and the lesser evil becomes way too easy to turn to.

    You know I get what this is all about, I do. But people are so massively hurting financially right now, and working to make it easier for people to buy healthy products seems like a more effective campaign then calling out fellow mom bloggers just trying to make it.

    You know I respect all you ladies, let your voices be heard loud and proud, but a video that directly mocks the video that From Dates to Diapers made? That’s where you lost me.

    To Think Is To Creates last blog post..Like A Dim Mirror

  7. Lori,

    Your comment is hurtful. My kids are playing with gloves and their pretend fire fighter mask that they play with all of the time. Now we brought them to the bath and for your information they ask to play with these every night now in the bath and have a ball filling the gloves up with water and squirting them. My son “gets” the joke and laughs about and my daughter was enthralled with putting the gloves on and filing them up with water.

    My kids aren’t dancing to music with inappropriate language and we aren’t cussing or swearing and they are clothed. Nothing was obscene about the video and there was no danger to be had. Could you please explain to me what shocks you? What is so horrible about what I have done? I have two degrees in early childhood education and will not harm my children and their mental or social well being in any way shape or form. What manner do you believe I am “using” my children in?

  8. Thank you Tiffany! Parents dress their kids up as devils and witches at Halloween or monsters and super heroes that hurt people and my kids play in a bath fully clothed with pretend play items we have everyday at our home and I’m a bad person.

  9. Christy, no attack. Did you not read where I said, I used the products four years ago? Sorry you feel that way. Instead it is to make a point to ask people to help us get the Kid-Safe Chemical act approved and to tell companies we want transparency. I want to trust J&J and every company that sells to me on a store shelf. Don’t you?

  10. Arianne,

    The video is not to Mock Dates to Diapers…oh, my I haven’t even seen her video of her bathing her children just her ad. The video is about giving our kids a bath in something not so safe evening unknowing because I did this four year ago (less that really). I admire Dates to Diapers and all of you mom bloggers and I’m sorry you are feeling this way. If you know me at all you know this isn’t intended that way but rather to get the support and ear of the companies (note there are lots of companies out there).

  11. Wow, the video had not loaded for me when I first came here. I emailed you and you know how I feel but after seeing the video and using your children in that manner, just upsets me.

    speechless and so, so disappointed.

    A Cowboy’s Wifes last blog post..Blue Ribbon Photos, Photography Contest – Colors

  12. Sommer,
    Thanks for all the info in one place, and the call to action link. I found no fault with your video. Our kids should understand the things we believe and hold valuable. They will have to make their own decisions one day.

    Also, in regards to the comment about high pricing. I agree, price point is a problem. But with stricter ingredient requirements comes the development of mainstreaming healthy & organic processes which increases availability, supply and consequently, we will get a lesser price point. (That is strictly from my retail perspective.)

    Charanes last blog post..Feelin’ Weary?…Get that Natural Spa Treatment at Home!

  13. YW Sommer. I “get” the argument that we shouldn’t use our kids to make political statements (I disagree but I get it) but in this case… even that is way off base. Kids are the potential “victims” in is scenario. Who else should be front and center when we make a case against toxins in bubble bath if not the kids? I mean really?

    Did the Bubble Bath contest request videos of mom and dad bathing? Grandma? No…it was children. To say one shouldn’t appeal to people’s emotions on this issue using images of the very people most affected is faulty logic. It is like saying we should not use animal images in an animal rights video. It does not compute.

    Anyway I thought it was adorable and the message valid. I have been avoiding…ahem… certain products for a couple years now.

    Tiffanys last blog post..Ask NatureMom – Laundry Baskets

  14. This is about protecting our children, so why shouldn’t they be a part of delivering the message? I’m a big fan of “using” my kids because it not only helps drive the point home, it also teaches them that their voice is important. I think as a society, regardless of political persuasion, we are not teaching our children nearly enough about civic engagement and democracy. Democracy only works if we’re involved in it and you’re really never too young to get involved.

    I used to work with Lois Gibbs, the housewife of Love Canal fame who is now Executive Director of the Center for Health Environment and Justice and considered the mother of the environmental justice movement. I remember her telling me about the turning point in their community battle to be relocated (they were living on top of a toxic waste dump). After tirelessly fighting with the government and the corporation responsible for selling them the land (knowing full well it was extremely toxic), they finally found out that households with pregnant women and children under the age of 2 would be relocated. The community was not happy. What about all the other children??

    The Mayor and other political figures came in for a press conference and the community “used” their children to make it clear that more needed to be done. During the Q&A period, one of the community moms raised her hand and when she was called on, children of all ages, dressed in their Sunday best came marching in. She asked, “what about these children? don’t they deserve to grow up in a healthy environment, too?” (I’m paraphrasing). The Mayor couldn’t publicly condemn all of these beautiful children to grow up on top of a toxic waste site. He folded and committed to relocating everyone.

    This is just one story. Children make a difference all over the world all the time. It’s empowering and inspiring.

    Even more importantly, all the moms mentioned above are working tirelessly to create a healthier world for their kids. And, instead of just quietly making changes in their own homes, they are exposing the secret risks in everyday products that manufacturers would rather you didn’t know and exposing the flaws of the regulatory system AND TRYING TO CHANGE IT FOR THE BETTER FOR ALL CHILDREN!!

    I, for one, am extremely grateful.

  15. Thanks Sommer for spearheading this movement. There should be more parents like you out there! Thank you to all the other moms who blogged and support this issue. I admire every one of you.

  16. Wow. I’m shocked to see defensive comments being made here about Sommer “using” her children to make a point. That couldn’t be farther from the truth. I’m in total agreement with Tiffany and Janelle who pointed out that the children are the victims here. Children can’t speak for themselves – and the chemical industry isn’t going to do it – so it’s our responsibility.

    Maybe the mom bloggers who chose to participate in Johnson & Johnson’s campaign simply didn’t know the facts before they chose to do so. Well, hopefully they can take a step back from the hurt feelings and reanalyze what their position is now in light of new information . . .

    Thank you, Sommer, for all the work you do to protect our children 🙂

  17. I want to comment on the price point issue because it is really bothering me. Going green and using safer products DOES not have to be expensive!

    1) If we want to go that route we can talk about how cheap it is to make our own stuff!


    2) If there is loyalty to companies then go to them tell them you want safer products. Demand it. Support the Kid Safe Chemical Act and transparency. If you like their price so much then make them create products that are safe and disclose the ingredients.

    3) Did you ever stop to think that the small companies that are trying to bring safe products to market are expensive b/c they can’t get into the stores like J&J or Clorox. That they can push the quantity right away and that equals high prices?

    4) Did you ever stop to think that buying more organic and safer products will lower the cost. You can lobby on your own by using your buying power.

  18. Sommer, I, for one, am grateful for your passion and determination to make an issue of the toxic chemicals in our personal care products. I thought your video was really cute. And, I think your kids are really, really cute too! (Love that Midwestern twang.)

    I agree with Tiffany about there being a double standard here. On one hand Sommer is making a point using her kids. On the other hand, moms are making video with their kids to win $10,000. Why is one okay and the other is not?

    Here is my question. Did you get upset while watching Sommer’s video? Good. Now direct that anger at all the right people–namely the companies who continue to bombard our children with chemicals which make them sick. Demand better. Buy other products. Make your own. Stop giving them your hard earned money. Send a message.

    How do you make companies change? Buy other products and see how quickly they change. Companies go where the green is. Very simple. Look at Clorox and SC Johnson who are making green products. They knew where the money was going.

    I also agree that most people do not realize that their products are not safe. It is our job to inform our neighbors, friends, and relatives about this. Who is going to change the world? Women!!! Start by supporting the Act and assert your buying power!

    Thank you, Sommer for everything. Group hug to you, my friend.

    Anna (Green Talk)s last blog post..Sina Pearson’s Earthly Green Fabric Collection: Sustainable, Durable, and Colorful

  19. How cute, the girlz would have loved being in that video! Seriously on the negative commenters, take the point for what it is and don’t pick on the delivery system to avoid it! Great job keeping us informed Gal!

    Jen @ Eco-Office Galss last blog post..Disney Nature

  20. Ok..I’m sorry I’ve been lurking so far on all this but PLEASE!!!!!

    To those of you offended by Sommer “using her kids” to make a point??

    I’m simply lost on the fact that you don’t see how mom’s who choose to make a video in support of J&J products are not in fact using their kids to WIN 10K? (J&J sure has taken advantage of the financial situation to promote themselves…)

    And J&J? Are they not using children and money to drive their product exposure and sales, despite valid concerns from parents for years on the saftey of their products?

    I always get stumped by the fact that many seem to be completely OK with being marketed to by big fancy brand campaigns that woo us so we look the other way (re: product safety) and .yet…when someone like Sommer tries to say “hey…lets get together and see if we can facilitate some change by demanding a safer product for our children….people get lost in the details which FRANKLY…totally misses the point.

    There is no line to draw here…Do you or do you not want companies to take some accountability (beyond the FDA) for the children’s products they create?

    IF SO, great, you’ve made your point, now lets get on board and do something about it together!

  21. Sommer – Thank you so much for being the galvanizing force behind this emergency Green Moms Carnival. I think sharing the information regarding what is in some conventional baby care products is important – as a mom, I am always seeking out information about the products I buy, might buy and have bought. We all want to do what is best for our children. And that may be why it is sometimes difficult to discuss baby care products. If you challenge the safety of a product that someone is using, that person may think you are questioning their parenting – but at least I would hope that someone would at least provide me the information. I might disagree with the conclusion, the research, the science, whatever. But I would want to know that an issue exist. I know I can’t rely on the FDA or the CPSC or any of the other agencies to protect my children. If I did, well, hmmm . . . let’s see, the CPSC couldn’t enact a lead in children’s jewelry regulation for 10 years; the EPA couldn’t get a ban on asbestos passed (it was thrown out by the courts); the FDA can get food safety right, let alone cosmetic safety. The regulations don’t even allow the FDA to approve cosmetic ingredients before they are used in products. It is MY responsibility to keep my kids safe. And to do that, I must have information. That is what this is about – transparency in labeling and chemical regulation that ensures the chemicals used are safe. The Toxic Substances Control Act doesn’t do that – having grandfathered in 62,000 existing chemicals as DEEMED safe without any review.

    Finally, it is a fallacy that being green is more expensive. It is actually less expensive for the most part . . . especially when it comes to baby products. Making them at home is WAY less expensive and you don’t have to worry about undisclosed carcinogens OR hormone disrupting phthalates.

    Jennifer Taggart, TheSmartMamas last blog post..Hey, Angie Harmon, You Can’t Kinda Go Green: Faulting Johnson’s Social Media Baby Product Campaign

  22. This post is full of useful information, people’s genuine opinions are shared, and the video sure inspired dialog – and hopefully positive action on Kid-Safe – which is exactly what advocacy video is intended to do. Sometimes it takes being uncomfortable or provoked to really engage in an issue, so if this video has accomplished that – which it appears to have – that’s a success.

    Everyone chooses the way they advocate for change – and together we make it happen by each bringing an approach, a style to the movement. Every movement has its factions (all the way back to women’s suffrage): provocative videos, respectful letters, fancy lunches, emails to representatives, donating money, Hill lobbying, and on and on. So we each play our part. All of them important.

    And the ability to have a powerful voice online is amazing and it is certainly being used here! Surely many of us have been angry over the toxics in this country before – I know I have (more than a few times).

    The Kid-Safe Chemicals Act is a terrific piece of legislation to focus our positive energies on, because after anger (for me anyway) always comes the urge to *do something* about it.

    It’s moving to see the passion and hard work for a better world right here on this blog, in these Carnival posts. Go Sommer! Go Green Moms Carnival! As my dad would say, you’re movin’ and shakin’ – hopefully all the way to Washington!

    LisaatEWGs last blog post..EPA set to monitor toxic air in schools

  23. This post is full of useful information, people’s genuine opinions are shared, and the video sure inspired dialog – and hopefully positive action on Kid-Safe – which is exactly what advocacy video is intended to do. Sometimes it takes being uncomfortable or provoked to really engage in an issue, so if this video has accomplished that – which it appears to have – that’s a success.

    Everyone chooses the way they advocate for change – and together we make it happen by each bringing an approach, a style to the movement. Every movement has its factions (all the way back to women’s suffrage): provocative videos, respectful letters, fancy lunches, emails to representatives, donating money, Hill lobbying, and on and on. So we each play our part. All of them important.

    And the ability to have a powerful voice online is amazing and it is certainly being used here! Surely many of us have been angry over the toxics in this country before – I know I have (more than a few times).

    The Kid-Safe Chemicals Act is a terrific piece of legislation to focus our positive energies on, because after anger (for me anyway) always comes the urge to *do something* about it.

    It’s moving to see the passion and hard work for a better world right here on this blog, in these Carnival posts. Go Sommer! Go Green Moms Carnival! As my dad would say, you’re movin’ and shakin’ – hopefully all the way to Washington!

    LisaatEWGs last blog post..EPA set to monitor toxic air in schools
    Sorry… forgot to say great post – can’t wait to read your next one!

  24. Eric I have read everything you have linked to and I know the women in the carnival have too. The report by the EWG just states what is what and I would not expect for two seconds for other groups to not question or jump on the validity of the report because their name or product is at stake. It’s a defensive reaction. I think there are a few points you are missing Eric. First, who are the products considered safe by? Safe according to a law back in the 70’s, according the to the FDA, according to you or opinion sites like you link to or according to the companies? Since when were trace amount of carcinogens okay in my child’s bath?

    I laugh at you saying needlessly panicking parents! Like my friend Tiffany said, “stop selling crazy”! We aren’t panicking anyone but saying stand up and say no more. Demand safer and healthier products. Ask for transparency. Ask for better regulation and testing. Don’t just trust a bottle because it says gentle or natural or because your mom used it on you.

    Thanks for pointing out those alternative sources Eric but they do not for one second mean that the Toxic Tub report is not valid. They do not for one second address the law needing updating, transparency, overall exposure to the carcinogens and frankly they are backed by the companies shaking in their boots. I’m not a dumb consumer Eric and I’m not accepting this crap anymore, I want more and the marketing tricks, chemical companies backing the makers of the products and MY children being used for some toxic experiment because we really DO NOT KNOW what the brew will do long term is not something I’m accepting anymore.

  25. Eric McErlain

    While everyone understands the concerns that can be driven in the wake of a report like this one, there are a number of sources who are publicly questioning the conclusions of the No More Toxic Tub report. I’d urge everyone both participating in this blog carnival and reading this post to give these two sources a very careful reading:



    In short, these products are safe. The real irresponsible party in this case are the authors of the report and activist organizations like the Environmental Working Group who are needlessly panicking parents.

    Eric McErlains last blog post..Unraveling the Science Behind the Hysteria at the Campaign for Safe Cosmetics

  26. I’m not a parent but I know my blog is read by many so I’m working to help out as much as I can! If you women have other things you want me to post let me know!!!

    I will not be buying any products by Johnson & Johnson or the other companies they own.

    Lisas last blog post..Are Your Bathing Your Kids In Toxins?

  27. Eric – The two articles you cite are an opinion from the VP of Interscan and the opinion of Trevor Butterworth, who also thinks BPA isn’t an issue in polycarbonate plastic. We’ve all read those articles and we’ve also read the materials cited in the articles. Yes, we get that the EWG report only identifies the presence of the chemicals in the bath care products and makes no assessment of actual exposure or risk. Yes, we get that the discussion of the analytical method isn’t the best.

    But personally I think it is ridiculous to defend the products based upon the FDA’s regulations. The FDA does not approve cosmetic ingredients before they are put on the market. It hasn’t even assessed most of the ingredients for safety. The industry panel – the Cosmetics Ingredients Review panel – isn’t particularly concerned with long term health effects such as cancer – being more focused on allergic or sensitization type reactions.

    But even that misses the point. I’d much rather spend my money on products without phthalates, without 1,4 dioxane, and without formaldehyde releasing preservatives. I’d also rather spend my money on products that limit the use of petroleum derived ingredients, use recycled content packaging and provide transparency in labeling.

    And I really don’t want to give my money to a company that advertises itself as the greenest company in the world when that same company still uses petroleum derived ingredients, still can’t seem to use recycled content packaging, won’t vacuum strip out 1 4 dioxane, and won’t take the time to answer legitimate questions. Similarly, a spokes person that advertises herself as a staunch environmentalist and children’s health advocate – not going to support it when it isn’t true.

    We use certified organic bath products in recycled content packaging with minimal to no packaging.

  28. I don’t have human children yet, but I want to say a huge “Thank You” to this group for putting together all this info. I mean, we’ve been taught over the years that these products are safe and gentle by the media and by tradition (our moms used it on us). But then again, we also used to make water carrying pipes, ceramic glazes, and paint used in the baby’s room with lead. We once thought cigarettes were perfectly safe too. And a long time ago, folks thought it was a good idea to drill holes through a persons skull to relieve headaches or to release demons. Times have changed and so has our knowledge of many things. I don’t think this video or these blog posts were made to bash the parents who do use these products. its meant to open our eyes and urge us to do something to make a change. Thanks for trying to help us to make a difference. I’m going to file away all this great info for the day when i do have two-legged little ones running around.

    AZ Dog Moms last blog post..Meet Our New Foster – Nicolas

  29. This is a great roundup. I came here via Beth who really scared me — I didn’t realize she wrote it on April 1st, I read it on the 2nd 🙂

    Johnson and Johnson have such a strong family friendly image that I was shocked when I read their ingredients the first time. It’s one of the major reasons I shifted to natural organic products — you just can’t believe what they put in regular things. I now use almost exclusively Weleda for my kids.

    julena – organic makeup and skin cares last blog post..Lead in Lipstick – Another Reason to Go Organic

  30. I’m not certain why it was ok for the mom who represented J&J to use her children in her video but not ok for Green and Clean Mom to use hers. We all need to do what our consciences allow. I have used products that are considered toxic on my children, but am not any longer. My daughter was diagnosed with asthma and eczema and shortly afterwards our newborn son seemed to be allergic to every soap – shampoo I could find. On the advice of our Pediatrician I switched everything laundry soap, fabric softener, soap, shampoo, etc….. to all natural varities. The issues have resolved themselves. Since then this has become an even bigger deal for us. We love the outdoors, our beautiful lakes and waterways. They are being destroyed by all the chemicals in our fields, yards, vehicles, cleaning products, and personal care products. There are better ways and yes they may cost more, but I can live without other things to ensure my childrens health not to mention the health of our enviroment. Like I said we all have to do what our consciences allow.

  31. Sommer, you know we’ve spoken about this post but I still feel like I had to come by and give you some “comment love.” It’s ironic how once we really get to know other bloggers, we start emailing and calling instead of always leaving comments, isn’t it?

    I called J&J to give them an opportunity to comment before I published my blog post. However, their Director of Communications could not answer these three questions:

    – What is J&J’s stance on the Kid Safe Chemical Act?
    – What does J&J think about the adverse affects of long term exposure to the thousands of chemicals used in personal care products?
    – Is this issue being discussed at the industry level, through groups like the Personal Products Council?

    I also called the Personal Products Council, but no one responded to my message.

    Isn’t it ironic that J&J spends significant sums of money courting bloggers, inviting them to sessions at HQ, mounting expensive social media campaigns like the Bubblin Stars campaign, and flying people out to BlogHer, yet when a blogger contacts them to ask some questions, they aren’t eager to engage in a dialogue?

    I called out of a real desire to get J&J’s perspective. I grew up in New Jersey, where they are headquartered. I have friends who have worked for J&J and other large multinational personal care companies. As an MBA, a marketing professional, and a former reporter, I’m skeptical of one-sided stories. I really wanted to get J&J’s perspective. I think I wrote a very even-handed post that raised questions but did not come out fully on the side of the Kid-Safe Act. (I’m afraid this legislation may have unintended consequences).

    However, the way I was treated by J&J leaves me feeling very skeptical of the company and their transparency. Yes, they did offer to have their “Mommy blogger person” contact me. What was she going to say? If the Director of Communications couldn’t address my concerns, how could a “Mom blogger person?” Then, to make matters worse, she asked me to email her my questions. Seriously…after I had spent 20 minutes giving her background on the Green Moms Carnival, the controversy, and finally, my three questions! I’m not paid to do this…I’m doing this as a concerned Mother. I told her I did not have time to draft an email that afternoon, but that I would go ahead and publish my blog post and that perhaps J&J could just leave a comment addressing my questions, which would be repeated in the blog post. However, there has been no response from J&J.

    As I said, I’m very disappointed in the way they have handled this and it makes me think they are hiding something.

    Lynn from Organicmania.coms last blog post..It May Be April Fool’s Day, But Toxins in Baby Bath are No Joke

  32. I am glad that more mom’s are becoming more aware of the dangers of toxins in their childrens everyday products. I agree that we need to do all we can to get the word out, and to support the companies that go the extra mile to make safe, non toxic products. The more these products are utilized, the sooner the prices will come down.

    I would like to point out something that also concerns me. I constantly see moms using hand sanitizers on their young childrens hands. Most hand sanitizers contain toxic ingredients such as Propylene Glycol. The bottles have poison warnings on their labels. In fact, I heard of a school recently which supplied a scented hand sanitizer for their students, to encourage the children to use it. One child got very ill from licking his hands (because of the pleasant scent). Fortunately, the school quickly got rid of the rest of the product.

    I can understand the usefulness of hand sanitizers when hand washing is not accessible, but moms need to stop the constant over-use of them, and get back to training their children to wash their hands with (non toxic) soap and water. This skill which will serve their children well throughout their lives.

    Jolene Snyders last blog post..Mar 16, Nontoxic Alternatives Guide: Choose nontoxic for health, longevity, and wellness

  33. I want to say thank you for your work on this! These companies need to get with the program and realize that we’re not going to keep buying toxic products when we know that perfectly safe and good alternatives are on the market now. They may say “it’s just a little bit of carcinogen” but this is a completely unnecessary exposure that we are adding to what our kids already are born with (see the study of more than 200 toxic chemicals found in baby cord blood at ewg.org’s site), what they get in their air, water and the zillion other exposures. It is all adding up and we know that eliminating unnecessary exposures to toxic chemicals is a good thing and can help prevent later life disease.

    These companies need to realize consumers aren’t dumb–we know that our laws are outdated and don’t take into account that we’re not exposed to one chemical at a time and that we need to move toward green chemistry and green production–not the toxic chemistry of the past.

  34. I just blogged about this topic! When are companies going to take responsibility for the poisons that that they knowingly put into products. I am fed up about this and trying to help people become educated consumers!

    Robin’s last blog post..Poison Products

  35. This is a very useful blog, but I am afraid that some people don't realize the danger that not just J&J's products represent, but every national brand on the market. Children are not the only ones effected, people of all ages are exposed to deadly toxins, not just in hair shampoo, conditioner and liquid soaps, but most of the products in our homes. The following national brand products all contain known carcinogens and even chemicals classified as toxic waste by federal law, including laundry detergents, fabric softeners, dryer sheets, deodorants, make ups, moisture creams, wrinkle creams, shaving creams and many more. The better a product smells, the more toxic it is. Always buy the no scent product as they are usually safer, but some contain toxic chemicals to get rid of a bad smell.
    What is the alternative? Buy all your products at a health food store but make sure you read the labels as some of the products in there also contain toxic chemicals. Nationally sold laundry detergents like Tide etc. contain ingredients intended to make your clothes feel stiff on purpose. Why would they do that? So they can sell billions of dollars a year in fabric softener. Most all of these products I just mentioned are banned in Europe by the EPA because they contain so many toxic chemicals.
    One alternative is to purchase Soap Nuts for your laundry needs. These are berries that grow on trees and contain no toxic chemicals at all. They also don't pollute the environment. They clean extremely well and leave your wash softer than ever without using fabric softener.
    One person said they can't afford to buy Green, healthy products. Soap nuts are a lot less expensive than Tide and all the other toxic name brands. The best place get them is at http://www.greenvirginproducts.com. We have the best price and quality I have found.

    Thank you
    Ken Marion
    Green Virgin Products

  36. amyhomemadebathproducts

    This is a serious issue. Thank you for giving it the attention it deserves.

  37. This is so sad! Money-making industries at the expense of our health and our childrens' health. Moreover, the product-testing on animals that is absolutely cruel and unnecessary!
    The Arbonne company has had an ethical standing for 30+ years, which is what I love about them the most. The baby line is the ONLY product I will buy for my little angel niece, along with all my friend's kids. Wish I knew about this when my son was an infant!

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