A Healthy Lunch for One

Omega-3 Protein Salad for One

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I am not a doctor or a health professional but I do know that when I eat better, take my supplements, exercise and get rest, I feel my best. That is a no brainer, right?

For years, I’ve taken supplements and my doctors have always recommended that I take a vitamin D supplement to help with season effective disorder. It’s no secret that I’ve struggled with sleeping and anxiety, which means I try very hard to find natural solutions to help me.  In fact, Helen, my acupuncturist, even suggests adding more Omega’s into my diet to help. Omega-3 fatty acids are said to help with depression and in the winter, I feel a little blue. Unfortunately, the supplements that I’ve tried always leave a terrible aftertaste in my mouth or I’m burping up a fishy oil and they make me sick to my stomach.

Not anymore.

I was recently introduced to Barlean’s and their Omega Swirls through my partnership with Stonyfield Farms and I feel like I’ve been living under a rock. How could I have not known about these before? No more pills to swallow. No more nasty after tastes. No artificial colors or oily textures. A supplement that literally tastes like a dessert and one that I can add to my food. If you’re looking to add Omega-3 fatty acids to your diet, look no farther. They come in a variety of flavors (Key Lime, Blackberry, Key Lime, Mango, Strawberry banana, Lemonade for kids, Pomegranate blueberry, Orange Cream and Coconut) and so far, I have not met a flavor my tastes buds did not like. My favorite is Pomegranate Blueberry though.  It is made with fresh flaxseed oil and pure borage oil – 100% vegan, gluten free and non-GMO.

I loved it so much; I added it to my lunch, along with some Forti-Flax and a dollop of Stonyfield’s Organic Plain Greek Yogurt for protein and fiber. This is a perfect lunch for one and it’s so easy to make!

Omega-3 Protein Salad for One

Omega-3 Protein Salad

  • ½ Cucumber cut up into chunks
  • ½ Tomato cut up into chunks
  • ½ Avocado cut up into chunks
  • ¼ cup of Stonyfield Greek Yogurt
  • 1 Tablespoon of Total Omega Vegan Omega Swirl Pomegranate Blueberry
  • 1 Tablespoon of Forti-Flax
  • 1 Tablespoon of pine nuts

Cut up your vegetables and mix them together, adding the Stonyfield Organic Greek Yogurt to the top. Drizzle the Barlean’s Swirl of your choice and then sprinkle with the Fort-Flax and pine nuts.

Lunch for one and it’s very light, filling and good for you. (Double this and share with a friend!)

A Healthy Lunch for One Packed with Omega-3 fatty acids and protein

Other yummy Barleans’ Swirls recipes that combine my favorite Stonyfield Organic Yogurt:

Disclaimer:  I’m a Stonyfield Yo-Getter blogger and I was sent free product to review and share my thoughts and opinions on. I am compensated for my time. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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