Affiliate Marketing Tips for Bloggers

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Have you signed up for an affiliate program or become affiliated with a company and you are hoping to make a few extra dollars or even get rich? Here are some tips that over the last few years have helped me profit with affiliate programs and marketing.

1.  Think First. Who do you want to be affiliate with, what companies, brands or product do you like, love and will naturally talk about?

2.  Match Maker. Become affiliate with companies, brands and products that fit your website and niche. If your blog is about cloth diapers you won’t become affiliated with a disposable brand, for example.

3.  Space. Is your blog or website designed for banner ad space? Do you have too many banner ads or affiliate ads and you are over saturating your readers and community with too many banners? Maybe you have never had banner ads or affiliate banners and this will upset your readership, have you asked and do you care?

4.  Above the Fold. Place banner ads above the fold where readers will first see the banner and they won’t have to scroll miles to see the image and message.

5.  Content. Add affiliate links into your content in a genuine and natural way. If you are writing about eco-friendly school lunches or you’re making your own baby food you could add links to books, products, companies, etc. It will not see awkward for your readers if it fits into the content flow.

6.  Disclose and be Transparent. The FTC says you need to disclose affiliate links and relationships but not everyone does this. When you are transparent and your readers know you are making a few dollars off a product because you truly love the product they are more likely to click and buy.  If you want your readers to click and buy they need to trust you.

7.  Win. Win. Companies that have affiliate programs want bloggers to be successful with their affiliate programs; this means more sales for them. Ask for support, guidance and if you need a banner or have a question ask.

8.  Patience. You cannot expect dozens of banner clicks, lots of sales and for things to happen overnight. Affiliate links that are placed in the content can be found over and over (if you use good key word research and key words in your post) and that means you’ll get more clicks and sales over the years to come!

9.  Less is More. You do not have to sign up for every affiliate program. Not every link, banner and product you talk about has to be attached to an affiliate program. This will backfire and nobody will trust you.

10.  Research. Know what the affiliate payout is, the commission and if there is a way to increase your commission based on sales. How do payouts happen and is there a minimum for the affiliate payout, usually this is $50.

Personally, I like using and like the features, support, payout schedule and the success I have with the programs and the company. What tips and advice do you have?

A few props: I have to say thanks to those I’ve watched closely over the years that have taught me a few things and deserve a big thank you and some recognition…

♥Tiffany from Nature Moms

♥Wendy better known as eMom

♥Lori from A Cowboys Wife

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