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I feel as though I am often seeking out alternative remedies or at least exploring a more natural solution when my children are sick or need soothing. I’ve written a few times about using some kid-friendly remedies that I’ve found at my local health food store and the success that I’ve had with these solutions. Instead of using prescription allergy medicine, we’ve been able to use the alternative successfully and I hope it stays that way.
When I was contacted by Bach Kids to try their Confidence, Daydream and Kids Rescue remedy I was very open-minded. I’ve found that other natural alternatives to help my son sleep or calm down after a temper tantrum was helpful and therefore I was anxious to give another brand a try. Before agreeing I did some research on the company, however, and discovered they have been around for 70 years, the remedies are not habit-forming and they are used in 66 countries worldwide.
Bach is basically flower remedies discovered and created by Dr. Eward Bach who passed away in 1936. The website states that before passing away, “he had developed a complete system of 38 flower remedies, each prepared from the flowers of wild plants, trees and bushes. They work by treating the individual rather than the disease or its symptoms. Still made at Mount Vernon, the home of Dr. Bach, Bach Original Flower Remedies are the only flower essences bearing Edward Bach’s signature.” The history of Dr. Edward Bach is rather fascinating, I invite you to find out more.
I am always cautious when it comes to homeopathy remedies and I do my reading, let my child’s pediatrician know if I am using something and I always consult with our local health food store and pharmacy if my child is taking medicine. I highly suggest this for any mother but we all have our own comfort levels when it comes to using natural remedies. The Bach website is a great resource for the different remedies, how the remedies are made and a complete guide to the 38 flower remedies along with frequently asked questions – which is helpful for research and conversing with your child’s doctor.
For my son and daughter the rescue remedy is very helpful and something my children take well. I’d rather the product be in melt in your mouth tablets but the four drops needed easily are added to the juice with the children not noticing. I’ve found the rescue remedy to work well after tantrums, before my husband and I are leaving for a night out – when our children might feel some anxiety or stress. My son is one of those children that think about everything and so he causes himself a great deal of stress over situations and this product is helpful and seems to calm him. Active Ingredients: 5x dilution of Helianthemum nummularium HPUS, Clematis vitalba HPUS, Impatiens glandulifera HPUS, Prunus cerasifera HPUS, Ornithogalum umbellatum HPUS.
The confidence remedy is a product that I have not used yet but foresee myself using with kindergarten on the horizon. My son can often be shy or doubt his abilities and need some self-esteem boosting and with this natural remedy children hopefully I can help him feel more confident and sure of himself during those first few days. Have you tried this product? It is alcohol-free and the active ingredients are 5X dilution of Larch vitalba HPUS.
I look forward to hearing your thoughts and opinions on the products and how you feel about homeopathic remedies and what solutions or brands you have tried. For a limited time at when you select the item you wish to purchase, you be directed to the store to complete your order and can use Promo code: BACHGC when asked at checkout to save 25% off your order. This offer is valid through August 10, 2009.
I was just at the health food store yesterday and debated purchasing the children’s rescue remedy. I am a long time fan of the adult rescue remedy by Bach, and hold their product in high regard. This will certainly go on my grocery list for our next shopping trip!
Both my children (2.5 and 1) have been doctored at home with homeopathic and natural remedies. Recently I had to give them antibiotics for a severe infection. When the doctor looked over their charts, he told me that he was very impressed that both children had lasted as long as they had without being prescribed any “hard” drugs. While I consider that mostly luck, I have to say that I would turn first to a natural solution before I sought anything else.
That is really great to know that these work well. I am always looking for ways to avoid medicine…
I’ve found them to be successful. I also like Hylands.
I’ve been using Bach products for years with good results, both for me and for the kiddos. We always have Rescue Remedy on hand.
Bravo, Bros! keep going like this, more good info again.