Eco-Friendly Bubble Time Fun #Summertime

Eco-Friendly Bubble Time Fun – Recipe & Ideas

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Children love bubbles. And, let’s face it, we all love bubbles.

They’re fun to try and catch, and pop. They are a challenge to blow really large without popping. And the shapes and colors are so beautiful to watch that kids can be entertained for hours.

DIY Non-Toxic Bubble Recipe

Now I know you want to get to the serious stuff. The bubble making. And in this case we are going to make our own bubbles and they are going to be eco-friendly and non toxic too. Some might even call it organic.

Here is the simple homemade recipe I use to create a big enough supply of bubbles for the kids:

  • 1/2 cup of dish detergent (if your detergent is concentrate cut the amount in half)
  • 5 cups of soft water or distilled water
  • 2 tablespoons of vegetable glycerin or light corn syrup or honey (corn syrup or honey can attract bees and wasps)

Mix this together in a storage container and leave overnight or for a minimum of 4 hours. I like to make double because we use so much during the summertime.

Try These Organic Dishwashing Liquids:

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Or if you have very sensitive hands, then this list of dishwashing liquids might be just the ticket.

Ways To Use Bubbles With Kids

I’ve learned over the years that bubbles can be used in all kinds of situations. Some you may never have even thought of. Sure, bubbles are a great outdoor activity for kids in the summer, but they also keep kids entertained:

  • During bath time
  • On a long road trip activity (put wand up to the air vent)!
  • As a science experiment

Here are some other fun ideas to use bubbles in creative and fun ways:

Whichever way you cut it, bubbles are loads of fun and you can get super creative. Combine one or all of the ideas above and come up with your own variations. There is no limit to what you can do with bubbles.

soap bubbles

Other Ideas For More Bubble Fun & Creative Recycling

  • Use recycled objects in your home to create bubble wands. We have several wire coat hangers that we have bent into a variety of shapes to use.
  • If you use plastic straws don’t throw them away! Take two pieces of yarn and tie them to two straws to make a square. Dip into the bubble solution and you will create a giant bubble!
  • Reuse the straws to make a bubble paining. When the bubble solution is getting down to the very end add a few drops of food coloring or tempera paint and blow (do not suck the straw) and make tiny bubbles. Carefully place your paper on top of the bubbles for a beautiful painting. We use these for birthday or thank you cards.
  • Reuse your old bubble containers and wands and make more solution for summertime bubble fun!
  • Make some bubble solution and give to a friend for their birthday with bubble instructions

Bubbles have a science to them and even the oldest of children can get into bubbles if you start to challenge them to learn more about this volume of air.

When my children were young, they loved playing with bubbles. We would try to make them in all shapes and sizes. We’d race around the yard to pop them and have contests to see who could pop the most bubbles! This was an everyday occurrence in the spring and summer so I used my preschool teaching skills to save some money and green our bubble experience!

Homemade Bubble Recipe and DIY Wands

3 thoughts on “Eco-Friendly Bubble Time Fun – Recipe & Ideas”

  1. Hey, this is great! Ive been looking for information about this topic. Thanks,,

  2. The Futon Shop

    this is great!! I knew i was worried for a reason. I brought my baby to a gymboree class and they use bubbles and I did not feel right about them. This is a great post and really informative

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