Gardening with the Green Moms

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Getting dirty, feeling the earth between your fingers, planting the seeds, watching the green sprouts grow into scrumptious vegetables and then tasting this home grown goodness – there isn’t anything like it. There also isn’t anything like growing your own food to make your realize that there are “tricks”, tips and ways to grow your garden so it isn’t eaten by pesky bugs, rabbits and deer. Organic gardening is something that takes time and patience but everyone can start somewhere to grow their own food and save some money. Many readers have joined me in “getting dirty” this spring and summer and I’m thankful for all that I have learned from this group and continue to learn but I’ve also learned a great deal of the Green Mom’s Carnival.

green moms carnival
This month the Green Mom’s Carnival is tackling the topic of gardening and what a wealth of wisdom. Renee from Enviromom has some delicious strawberries growing and like my family the kids helped plant the seeds. I love her description of watching a garden grow is like watching water boil – I’m feeling like this right now. Renee gives some great tips on using coffee grounds and wonders if in ground composting is helping her strawberries.

ann-hackman-300x2461Anna from Green Talk explores the idea of learning from others mistakes when it comes to gardening. I’m really paying attention to these tips with these being my first year having a garden. I never knew how herbs grow and can take over a raised bed if they’re planted with the rest of the garden but thanks to Anna and her good tips I now know! Thanks Anna!

Green Bean from the Green Phone Booth writes so humorously posts about her battle with deer and I can feel her pain because I feel I will have this battle as well. Her pictures and examples are great and before reading her post I hadn’t thought of putting my garden in my front yard. We aren’t there yet we just planted everything but I hear that human urine around the garden works? There sure are battles for the organic gardener but the Green Phone Booth is right when she speaks of pushing on because it is worth it.

mindful mommaAsparagus is worth it, especially grilled with some sea salt – yum. Mindful Momma writes about how she’s waiting for her asparagus and it makes me wish we would have planted this delicious green vegetable. There are struggles and myths to growing this vegetable and Mindful Momma tackles them so beautifully with her Google searching – good thinking, I love Google too!

The Green Parent
I also love rain and how it makes my garden grow and the grass so green and luscious but I had no idea I could have a rain garden? Yes, a rain garden and leave it up the savvy Jenn of the Green Parent to fill me in on how I can have a rain garden and why I would want one. Just the thought of a rain garden sounds interesting and if I don’t have to fight the deer I am even more interested!

Big Green PurseDiane of the Big Green Purse invites us to join you local horticulture club. She gives an example of what it costs her and all the benefits, including saving money. Gardening can save you money but flower gardens can be costly depending on what you’re growing. I love Diane’s example of exchanging plants verses buying them and because of her post I’ve looked up how to join my local horticulture club. Thanks Diane!

Mary from In Women We Trust writes about her gardening experience at a teen shelter and about one teen who reallymary liked the dirt! Her story and experience is very motivating and a great example of how when we take the time to teach someone something they become inspired to teach others. Mary provides many examples, tips and a fabulous video. I can’t believe the amount of quality information and all the vegetables Mary helped plant at this teen shelter – wow!

non-toxic kidsFor moms not sure that dirt is okay for the kids to play in or perhaps that if they touch dirt they need to wash their hands immediately, Katy from Non-Toxic Kids says dirt is okay! Phew! Katy writes about the benefits that dirt has for our kids and will make any mom feel good when they’re child is dirty from head to toe!

If you’re concerned about the dirt and worried about lead in your Urbanjennifer_taggart_headshot2 garden, Jennifer of The Smart Mama explores this issue. I hadn’t even thought of lead in my garden but it but after reading her post it makes sense.  I’m sure glad I wash my vegetables and fruits well and for some pointers on how we can be safest with our garden soils my hubby will be reading this post!

A great way to start getting dirty if you’re not going to plant a big garden or don’t have the space, consider cokaren_editcropped1-134x1501container gardening. Perfect for the beginner or anyone who has a porch, deck or apartment! Karen from Best of Mother Earth tackles container gardening and composting with a brown thumb – hopefully turning green! I can’t wait to read about her experience and find out what tips she has as she begins this journey.

MaryAnneMaryAnne from the Not Quite Crunchy Parent also explores container gardening and like all gardening, there are challenges. While not every seed planted turns into something we can eat or even appears above the soil there are lots of surprises – like a banana tree doing very well and producing some delicious bananas. I had never thought of growing a banana tree but now I’m thinking we might give this a whirl and maybe even try growing some lemons.

lisa condo blues

Talk about trying to make lemonade from lemons, Lisa from Condo Blues has a conundrum on her hands with composting, mold and dog vomit. Yes, all relating to gardening. I had to scratch my head and try to think of a good solution for her so that she can get that raised garden bed going. Maybe you can help?

Just don’t be an elitist when it comes to your organic garden OR better yet maybe you should be! If you visit Lisa at the Retro Housewife she has a hilarious video with John Stewart talking about elitist and their little crops of horror. It will make you chuckle and then go plant something!

lynnforshortyawardNeed a place to start? Lynn from Organic Mania shows you how to start your seedlings with some recycled good from around the house. Toilet paper rolls, newspaper and egg shells to the rescue! Lynn’s planted the seed for me next year to begin with planting indoors with the great success she has had.

Inspired to get dirty or clean with a rain garden? There’s a way for everyone to start appreciating dirt, rain and mother earth this spring. What’s your gardening tip? Tackle it with us this Tuesday – leaving a link sharing with us your tips, stories and ideas!

8 thoughts on “Gardening with the Green Moms”

  1. Hi Sommer,
    Love this topic. Just planted some veggies myself a couple of weekends ago, for the first time!

    Where can I find the roster of hosting for Green Moms Carnival for submissions? I can’t find it on Organic Mania. I posted once about plastic over at FakePlasticFish with Beth. How do I know who is hosting next and what the topic is to make a submission?

    Deborah’s last blog post..Toxic Paws?

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