Start the camping season off right with this FREE Clean the Camper Check-List! Great tips and links for recipes and what to pack when camping with kids too!

Clean the Camper Check-List

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Camping season is here! We’re a few weeks behind but the camper is finally in the driveway and ready to roll. Okay, after I clean it.

After having it closed up for the winter, it’s stuffy, stinky and thankfully free of any rodents. Each spring it is in need of a good scrub. To get it ready for our first camping trip, I have this handy checklist of what needs to be done. (Keep reading to get your own free downloadable copy!)

  • Take all old dryer sheets out of cabinets, vents, drawers and underneath mattresses. (Each fall when closing up the camper I use a lightly scented dryer sheets, which yes, I know are bad. However, after years of camping I’ve learned these do deter rodents, critters and bugs! It’s tried and true. For some great non-toxic alternatives for dyer sheets for your laundry visit Good Girl Gone Green.)
  • Open all vents and windows overnight for a good airing out. Get rid of any dryer sheet scent!
  • Sweep the floors and vacuum the mattresses, drapes, blinds and fabric sofa and bench seats. Basically any fabric gets a good vacuum!

Eco-Friendly Cleaners - Great for Taking Camping

  • Wipe all surfaces with hot water and an eco-friendly cleaner. I love the J.R. Watkins Coconut Home Care Collection, available at Target. It smells great!! I’ve stocked the camper with all-purpose spray cleaner, dish soap, hand soap and room freshener. The room freshener is a must have for the camper bathroom. Tight spaces and a family means there will be stinky bathroom trips and this room freshener is a life saver!
  • Make the beds and be ready for the first night sleeping in the camper. I always include an extra blanket at the foot of everyone’s bed.
  • Clean the fridge and freezer with hot water and eco-friendly dish soap. The J.W. Watkins dish soap does come out fast so beware. All you need is a drop or two, a little goes a long ways!
  •  Leave the fridge and freezer open overnight to air it out and add an open boxed of baking soda to both the fridge and freezer.
  • Wipe corners high and low. There are always cobwebs and I like to start cobweb free for the camping season.  I like using the J.R. Watkins Coconut all-purpose spray on a rag for this. The camper smells great afterwards!
  • Wipe the inside of the cabinets and make sure there’s no rodent messes.
  • Flush the pipes and water lines and do it twice just to be safe!
  • Last but not least, one last sweep and then mob the floors.

The camper is clean and ready to be stocked!  I have a complete list of what to pack when camping with kids, a great video on basic camping tips for beginners, kid approved camping recipes and how to prepare for an emergency when camping.

Free Download Clean Your Camper Check-List

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