Spring Cleaning with a Twist

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It has reached a mild 40 degrees Fahrenheit and I’m feeling like spring is just around the corner. This temperature probably sounds cold but in comparison to the 7 degrees below zero last week I could easily put on shorts. Growing up the rule used to be we could wear shorts when it was 50 degrees  – no joke! With the smell of spring in the air and gardening on my mind, I’m ready to begin some spring cleaning with a twist.

The Green Mom’s Carnival this month is all about cleaning green and starting the spring cleaning but I’m feeling like I need to do more than just dust or sweep behind the coach. I feel more inspired to detox and  get rid of the clutter in my home. The toxins sneak in here and there and the “stuff” it just piles up and even though I do my best it happens.


1.    Medicine Cabinets and Personal Care Products. The medicine cabinets are a mess with expired medicine, stuff I haven’t used in ages and just toxic not so good for my body personal care products. Time to check the dates, read the ingredients and then check out Earth911.com to find out how to correctly dispose of the waste because dumping stuff down the sink or throwing pills into the toilet is not earth friendly.
2.    Unhealthy Food. My cupboards have suddenly accumulated not so good for us crackers, chips and other junk food and they need a good overhaul. Time to get back to eating healthy and revamping my grocery list. We can all fall of the wagon but it’s time to ride the organic gravy train and think smart.
3.    Toxic Waste. Old paints, pesticides and other lawn care products that we have not used in years sit in our garage and basement. It’s time to properly dispose of these toxic and hazardous materials. PROPERLY is the key. Use Earth911.com to learn where in your area you can dispose of hazardous waste. It isn’t detoxing or very clean when you just pollute the water ways or hurt Mother Earth.


1.    Messy Closets and Unrealistic Expectations. Ahhh, the stuff has just piled up over the winter!!! I haven’t worn clothing for years but it still hangs in my closet. Time to reevaluate what I do wear and what I don’t wear and get real – come on, I’m not going to fit into those skinny jeans anytime soon because my hips are not the same after having two babies!!  If I haven’t worn it in the last year it is going to charity. I will feel so much better with an organized and clean closet this spring and summer.
2.    The Toys have Taken Over. I have toys everywhere and it is too much. They aren’t organized and span from one end of the house to the next. Time to make some choices on which ones are worth keeping, which ones should go in a box for rainy days and then which ones to give away to charity.
3.    Holiday Decorations. This Christmas I realized I had bins of Christmas decorations I haven’t used for years. What? My storage room is full of boxes that I never even use but that is silly. I need to go through the storage room and decide what is worth keeping. My trash can be other person’s treasures.


I think that there is an urge to clean green this season and that excites me. How encouraging when just two years ago I looked like I had a third eye when I said the words Non-Toxic cleaners. I can say, I’ve got the non-toxic cleaners down and I over the course of the last few years I have tried just about every “green” cleaner on the planet, made about every concoction there is to scrub and clean with and read five dozen books and articles on the topic. For me, I’m going to clean like I always do with safe; eco-friendly cleaners and my personal favorites right now include Shaklee and ecostore USA. If you want some guidance on how to start having a non-toxic home I highly suggest consulting with a Green Irene. There are many great books on the market that have helped guide me on this going green journey. A great eBook that I’ve found is the Green Living System because it helps you save money, it is practical and you can download it and don’t have to waste paper or kill a tree to read a good book! Whatever you do this spring, enjoy your family and start somewhere on the green path. Even if is just to replace on cleaner at a time or to open your windows verses buying an air freshener. Remember, doing something is better than nothing.

And be sure to check out the other suggestions from The Green Moms Carnival, which will appear at Tiny Choices on Tuesday.

13 thoughts on “Spring Cleaning with a Twist”

  1. Ah, Spring! I have the cleaning bug too. One thing we’re doing at home is downsizing in a big way and getting ready for what we hope will be a huge garage sale. As for the kid’s stuff sometimes we can get more money consigning the goods than we can by selling them ourselves so we have sorting piles too. Clothes, sometimes we save for our annual clothing swap which is a great way to give and get great clothes – for the whole family, not just the ladies. Hopefully there will still be enough for the garage sale!

    Melodies last blog post..Daylight Savings 2009: Why Breastfeeding Moms Will Lose Even More Sleep Tonight

  2. Sommer, these are great tips – especially the reminder about the medicine cabinet, which too often people forget about. And of course, our Green Moms know not to flush those old Rxs down the toilet – an unfortunate practice that has contaminated the water supply in many municipalities.

    You have inspired me to clean out my closets too!

    Happy Spring!

    Thanks for your great contribution to the Green Moms Carnival!

    Lynn from Organicmania.coms last blog post..Spring Cleaning

  3. You bring up a good point – spring cleaning isn’t just about cleaning the baseboards or dusting the light fixtures – it’s about getting rid of the clutter! I am lucky to have a charity organization that will pick up at my house once a month. I’ve also heard that some people keep a thrift store box in the trunk of their car – and drop it off when it’s full. And don’t forget Craigslist…you might be able to make some money from that junk!

    Mindful Mommas last blog post..Finally, an LED I Can Live With

  4. Thanks for the referrals about safe disposals with Earth911.com, and the Green Living System guide. Both of these will improve my green strategies for the year. One small detail that has helped me change habits is carrying my portable reusable bag on my keychain as a reminder to bring bags into the grocery store. I’m sure most folks have this down by now, but it took me forever to remember to remember! The keys were the trick, now I can’t miss it. Thanks for the great post!

    Lorraine Akemanns last blog post..Kids at Play

  5. Thanks for all the great tips to really clean things out!


    Jennifer Taggarts last blog post..TheSmartMama – CPSIA Solutions – XRF Testing for Lead Content CPSIA Compliance
    Sorry… forgot to say great post – can’t wait to read your next one!

  6. saucy salsita

    Hi, I declutter and declutter all the time. It’s the greatest relief for me to give stuff away. And what’s even more amazing, how little we actually need to live great!
    Saucy Salsita, AKA The Sexy Hippie – Because sexy comes in GREEN!

  7. Jenni at My Web of Life

    I have also come to the conclusion that I have waayy too many holiday decorations (it doesn’t help that they are still piled in my dining room)! I will definitely be paring down to the treasures I truly love and donate or freecycle the rest.

    Great post!! Thank you!

    Jenni at My Web of Lifes last blog post..The Edge of Spring

  8. I have this recurring dream where I’m looking through my closet for something new to wear and lo and behold, there are whole outfits I didn’t even know I had. It’s sad when I wake up to the same old clothes.

    Well, this weekend, trying to find something to wear to a creek restoration event that would require getting dirty, I forced myself to clean out a closet and — OMG — there were 2 pairs of brand new jeans that miraculously fit me. I had forgotten all about them. Have no idea when or where they were purchased. Which is weird because I buy so few new things.

    The Spring Cleaning Fairy must have snuck in and put them there as a reward for when I finally got around to doing it.

    Beth Terry, aka Fake Plastic Fishs last blog post..Do you have an Eco Confession?

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